Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023

carbon capture on rohepesu :


Pikemalt siit.

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the Speed and Scale,tracker is quite impressive and it is definitely a great initiative.

However, it is not clear how the OKRs were set. OKR is focusing on decarbonizing the grid but it is not talking about reducing consumption, which is what we should also work on. It seems quite wasteful to generate green electricity and then waste it with inefficient appliances and sub-optimal control solutions. As Jüri is saying below, it is about many solutions that have to work together to reduce our overall energy need and decarbonize the energy we use.

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One of the best solution libraries and roadmaps is still Drawdown, which for many is still considered a standard: https://drawdown.org/solutions

Main thing to keep in mind is instead of 4-5 large solutions there will be close to 100 small and medium size ones.

Some technoutopists like John Doerr’s Speed and Scale, although the larger industry considers it a too simplistic outsider view: https://speedandscale.com/tracker/

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